About Pull Request Reviews: Multiple Reviews are best!

Marcus Denker
Thu, May 12, 2022 8:50 AM


If you see that a PR that you wanted to review already has a positive review,
do not think “ah, nothing to be done for me”.

Because imagine if the PR would be bad: you would add a comment how to improve
in addition to the one already positive review.

You should do the same even if you just add another “Yes, looks good”.

The reason is that you know that you looked at the PR and did not find a problem,
but nobody else has a way to see that.

Second (or even third, 4th…) positive reviews are very valuable, they validate
the first review and they are vote for getting that PR merged fast.

You can find the PRs in need of a review here:


Hi, If you see that a PR that you wanted to review already has a positive review, do not think “ah, nothing to be done for me”. Because imagine if the PR would be bad: you would add a comment how to improve in addition to the one already positive review. You should do the same even if you just add another “Yes, looks good”. The reason is that *you* know that you looked at the PR and did not find a problem, but nobody else has a way to see that. Second (or even third, 4th…) positive reviews are very valuable, they validate the first review *and* they are vote for getting that PR merged fast. You can find the PRs in need of a review here: https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/pulls Marcus