Progress Report -> Refactoring Project - ( March 22 - 26 )

Evelyn Cusi Lopez
Mon, Mar 29, 2021 6:45 AM

Hello all,

Last week I did these tasks:

Tasks for this week:


Evelyn C.

Hello all, Last week I did these tasks: - Fix issue: "Improve Extract SetUp Refactoring <>", now this refactoring can find and replace #setUp occurrences in all methods tests. Check PR to know the changes <>. You can see the new behavior of refactoring in the following video: - Fix issue: "Add preview to extract method Refactoring <>". Check PR to know the changes <>. You can see the new behavior of refactoring in the following video: - Fix issues: "Replace senders refactoring can only replace senders with same amount of arguments #5851 <>" and " Improving refactoring: how to merge on method usage into another #2493 <>", now we can replace method's senders with different amount of arguments . Check PR to know the changes <>. You can see the new behavior of refactoring in the following video: - Start to fix RB - Improve instance variable refactoring #8665 <> Tasks for this week: - Finish to fix: RB - Improve instance variable refactoring #8665 <> - Fix issue: Extract method in the superclass is not fully working #8871 <> - Add option to use scopes in refactorings. - Add previews for refactoring, using a scope's selector to apply the refactoring. - Fix issue: move to component refactoring issue. <> - Fix issue: Inline senders refactoring does not correctly manage errors #6218 <> Regards, Evelyn C.