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Google Summer of Code 2025

Sebastian Jordan
Wed, Jan 29, 2025 4:03 PM

Hello people,

We are applying for the GSoC (Google Sumer of Code) this year (again)!


TLDR: It is an initiative from Google for student/beginner coders to contribute to open-source projects. There are Organizations that propose projects (like us), Google selects some of them, and then the people can read the proposals and apply for them. If they are selected and everything goes ok, Google pays to the student (for his/her work) and to the Organization (for mentoring them).

To be selected, we need a good list of ideas/projects where outside people can contribute.
We have these from the last year:

So, I’m sending this to please ask you:

  1. If there is any idea listed where you are supervisor (you can use the filter) -> Check if it is still valid

  2. If there is no, you can think of one :)

  3. Any change (update of one existing idea, delete or add one) must be done in this JSON:
    You can:

Remember that the mentors of any idea have to be available for:

  • Response to the student applications
  • Supervise their work (probably some kind of interactions weekly)
    It is better to be 2, 3, or 4 mentors per idea so we can guarantee availability.

The deadlines ( are:

  • February 11 -  to make the list of ideas
  • February 27 - Google lists the accepted Organizations
  • March 24 to April 8 - students apply to projects
  • June / July / August - CODING

More info:

Thank you all!
GSoC organizers from the Pharo Consortium

Hello people, We are applying for the GSoC (Google Sumer of Code) this year (again)! Info: TLDR: It is an initiative from Google for student/beginner coders to contribute to open-source projects. There are Organizations that propose projects (like us), Google selects some of them, and then the people can read the proposals and apply for them. If they are selected and everything goes ok, Google pays to the student (for his/her work) and to the Organization (for mentoring them). To be selected, we need a good list of ideas/projects where outside people can contribute. We have these from the last year: So, I’m sending this to please ask you: 1. If there is any idea listed where you are supervisor (you can use the filter) -> Check if it is still valid 2. If there is no, you can think of one :) 3. Any change (update of one existing idea, delete or add one) must be done in this JSON: You can: - Send directly a Pull Request with the changes to the repo ( 😉 - Or send us the updated JSON, and we’ll push it 😖 Remember that the mentors of any idea have to be available for: - Response to the student applications - Supervise their work (probably some kind of interactions weekly) It is better to be 2, 3, or 4 mentors per idea so we can guarantee availability. The deadlines ( are: * February 11 - to make the list of ideas * February 27 - Google lists the accepted Organizations * March 24 to April 8 - students apply to projects * June / July / August - CODING More info: Thank you all! GSoC organizers from the Pharo Consortium