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Server socket: can not accept if backlog < 2

Martin Fischer
Sun, Nov 19, 2023 9:53 PM

Hi all,

I'm in the process of learning pharo. As an exercise I'm implementing a
"Inter-VM Object channel":

  • objects serialized/deserialized via Fuel
  • bidi channel connects 2 vm's
  • sendObject and receiveObject as api
  • transport configurable as either Socket or SharedMem (as an
    opportunity to learn the threaded FFI stuff)

During the implementation of the server socket side, I stumbled over a
strange behavior when the backlog is set to a value less than 2:

Here is a simplified version of the server side:

listeningSocket := Socket newTCP.

listeningSocket listenOn: 19999 backlogSize: 1. "NOTE the 1 here!"
clientSocket := listeningSocket waitForAcceptFor: 30.


When a client connects:
echo Hallo | nc -v 19999

listeningSocket waitForAcceptFor: is unblocked and signals an error
which I think is then masked by another error which is:
"SocketError: cannot access socket error code" which is raised from
Socket primSocketError:

Note that no error is signaled as soon as the backlog size is 2 or more.

  • Is there a reason for this behavior or is this a bug?
  • Is my analysis correct that the original error is hidden by another
    error that is raised during handling of the original error?



Martin Fischer

Hi all, I'm in the process of learning pharo. As an exercise I'm implementing a "Inter-VM Object channel": - objects serialized/deserialized via Fuel - bidi channel connects 2 vm's - sendObject and receiveObject as api - transport configurable as either Socket or SharedMem (as an opportunity to learn the threaded FFI stuff) During the implementation of the server socket side, I stumbled over a strange behavior when the backlog is set to a value less than 2: Here is a simplified version of the server side: listeningSocket := Socket newTCP. listeningSocket listenOn: 19999 backlogSize: 1. "NOTE the 1 here!" clientSocket := listeningSocket waitForAcceptFor: 30. ... When a client connects: echo Hallo | nc -v 19999 listeningSocket waitForAcceptFor: is unblocked and signals an error which I think is then masked by another error which is: "SocketError: cannot access socket error code" which is raised from Socket primSocketError: Note that no error is signaled as soon as the backlog size is 2 or more. - Is there a reason for this behavior or is this a bug? - Is my analysis correct that the original error is hidden by another error that is raised during handling of the original error? Regards, Martin -- ____________________________________ Martin Fischer