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Using ZnResponse>>#redirect: to pass an error message

Tue, Dec 13, 2022 3:10 AM


I catch an error like this:

[ self insertNewUser.
  ZnResponse redirect: self request url ] on: TbDbError do: [ :err | | ent |
  ZnResponse redirect: '/error/db_error' ] ].

I would like to pass

err messageText 

to the page at: ‘/error/db_error’, to display to the user. I prefer not to cache it is a session or use a Js hack to do it. Does someone have a strategy for passing objects via a ZnResponse instance? I did try

ZnResponse redirect: aUrl entity: anEntity

but the entity is discarded by the time it gets to the page.


Hello I catch an error like this: ``` [ self insertNewUser. ``` ``` ZnResponse redirect: self request url ] on: TbDbError do: [ :err | | ent | ``` ``` ZnResponse redirect: '/error/db_error' ] ]. ``` I would like to pass ``` err messageText ``` to the page at: ‘/error/db_error’, to display to the user. I prefer not to cache it is a session or use a Js hack to do it. Does someone have a strategy for passing objects via a ZnResponse instance? I did try ``` ZnResponse redirect: aUrl entity: anEntity ``` but the entity is discarded by the time it gets to the page. Vince
Tue, Dec 13, 2022 4:51 AM


To answer my own question, I passed the error message as a parameter in the url:

[ 	self insertNewUser.
	ZnResponse redirect: self request url ] on: TbDbError do: [ :err | | url |
	  url := (ZnUrl fromString: 'error/db_error/')
	    queryAt: 'msg' put: err messageText;
      ZnResponse redirect: url ]


Hi To answer my own question, I passed the error message as a parameter in the url: ``` [ self insertNewUser. ``` ``` ZnResponse redirect: self request url ] on: TbDbError do: [ :err | | url | ``` ``` url := (ZnUrl fromString: 'error/db_error/') ``` ``` queryAt: 'msg' put: err messageText; ``` ``` yourself. ``` ``` ZnResponse redirect: url ] ``` Vince
Tue, Dec 13, 2022 8:22 AM

Hi again

Unfortunately the solution I came up with above is vulnerable to cross-site scripting attack (XSS). The solution takes the parameter passed in from the url and shows it to the user. An attacker can insert a script and send the link to a user for instance. Please do not do this.

You can mitigate the XSS attack with CSP (, but it can be tricky to get right.

Back to square one.


Hi again Unfortunately the solution I came up with above is vulnerable to cross-site scripting attack (XSS). The solution takes the parameter passed in from the url and shows it to the user. An attacker can insert a script and send the link to a user for instance. Please do not do this. You can mitigate the XSS attack with CSP (, but it can be tricky to get right. Back to square one. Vince